Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why workout music is Great.

1. REDUCE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT: According to paper published by the National Institute for Health in 2005, listening to any type of music you enjoy is a non-invasive pain intervention method one can use to cope with the pain and discomfort of cancer and other ailments while in treatment (Source:
2. RELIEVE STRESS: Healthy individuals can use music for stress reduction via active music making, such as drumming, to aid motivation for physical exercise as well as passive listening for relaxation says the American Music Therapy Association (Source: )
3. USE MUSIC TO AGE GRACEFULLY AND INCREASE MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL FUNCTION: According to the American Music Therapy Association, music used with elderly persons can increase or maintain their level of physical, mental, and social/emotional functioning as the sensory and intellectual stimulation of music can help maintain a person's quality of life (Source: )
4. STAY HEALTHY: According to the American Music Therapy Association, music can improve even a healthy individual’s quality of life as well meet the needs of those with disabilities or illnesses. Listening to music regularly can
  • promote wellness
  • manage stress
  • alleviate pain
  • express feelings
  • enhance memory
  • improve communication
  • promote physical rehabilitation.
5. CLEAR YOUR HEAD: According to an article published in Time Magazine, Nov 2005, the melody and rhythm of music can have a profound affect on improving quality of life for Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers and can even bring about a response from patients when other stimuli failsStory link:,9171,1126738,00.html 

6. BOOST YOUR MOOD: Research conducted by Rollin McCraty Ph.D. and colleagues in 1998, which studied the affect of music on mood tension and mental clarity revealed that music can have a positive or negative affect on mood and suggested that music engineered for motivation may be useful in alleviating tension, mental distraction and negativity. 

7.  PUMP UP YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: A 1996 study conducted by Dr. McCraty, Ph.D. and colleagues researched the effects of music on emotion and positive emotional states of the immune and autonomic nervous system in healthy individuals. They discovered that music engineered for mental clarity and balance enhanced immune function

8. STAY HEALTHY: According to the Institute of Heartmath in Boulder, CO, whose researchers studied the physiological and psychological affects of music concluded that music can have a profound and favorable effect on mental and emotional balance from promoting increased autonomic balance and greater coherence in cardiac and brain function, to boosting natural immunity and DHEA levels, to significantly reducing stress and negative affect and increasing positive affect.

9. LET MUSIC CHANGE YOUR LIFE: According the Institute of Heart Math in Boulder, CO, numerous studies have shown that music affects emotions and mood states and can also modify physiological responses.

10. IMPROVE YOUR SPORTS PERFORMANCE: Dr. C. I. Karageorghis, Ph.D. of the United States Sport Academy conducted several consecutive studies in the late 90’s to determine if music aided physical performance for athletes. His research revealed that listening to music when competing could [1] Divert the fatigue factor, [2] could be stimulating or calming, depending on the music pre-competition as a psych-up strategy, [3] the music sound can affect mood and motivation, and [4] specific music and music tempos work best dependent on the activity. He concluded that music is definitely an “often untapped source of both motivation and inspiration for sport and exercise participants.”


  1. I couldn´t agree more,working out wihtout music is just not the same, I don´t feel the same motivation.

  2. Good advice, im trying a new workout training and will have these advice in mind.

  3. My mp3 player is basically my intra-workout :)


  4. Song selection is important! It is very hard to jog to speed metal, you keep going faster to match the beat! Hip hop and techno for running, save the speed metal for weight lifting ; )

  5. I don't need music. My motivation is my body. thanks for the post, tho!

  6. Music enhances any menial task, really.

  7. I cannot find a good way to carry my music with me when I work out. I've tried most everything. UGH!

  8. Nice post, I always work out to music and where ever possible will have music on, I find it sort of distracts the part of my mind that normally floats about looking for something more intresting to do than what I'm currently up to.

    Nice post as ever dood :)

  9. I usually go techno. Easy rhythms to follow.
